Go For The Money: Build Green

The Chamber’s Construction Subcommittee invites developers, builders, architects, engineers, accountants, and industry professionals to join financiers, tax incentive consultants, government agencies, and industry professionals for an informative panel discussion on innovative financing solutions and leveraging federal and state tax incentives to fund construction projects that produce energy efficiency, reduce building embodied carbon, provide green infrastructure systems and offer transportation electrification.
WHERE: DC Chamber of Commerce Headquarters
1133 21st Street NW
Suite M200
Washington, D.C 20036
WHEN: Thursday, February 15, 2024, 9:30 am
Networking Continental Breakfast: 9:30 am – 10 am
Panel Discussion: 10 am – 11 am
Closing & Networking: 11 am – 11:30 am
Opening Remarks: Delicia Gunn – Founder & CEO, HEMPSULATION, and Chair of the Construction Subcommittee.
Mr. Blackman is a proven public and private sector veteran who over the past two decades has delivered results and led high performance teams for a broad spectrum of clients and stakeholders. Paul is currently founder and managing principal of Trusted Advisory Group, a management consulting and advisory services firm, focused on the construction and commercial real estate development industry. Trusted has successfully provided services to advise on or deliver projects for over a dozen clients in the District. This includes projects in multi-family housing, public safety, higher education and healthcare. Prior to starting Trusted, Paul was appointed by Mayor Bowser in 2018 as Deputy Director of DC’s Department of General Services. In this capacity he led a 120+ person real estate project/construction management organization that planned and managed delivery of schools, office spaces, parks, healthcare, industrial and multi-family facilities. In addition to 400 completed and active projects with a value in excess of $4BB, he also initiated DGS’s capital project’s office, and principal District representative for the St Es hospital development agreement and Real Estate committee co-chair of Mayor Bowser’s Re-Open DC commission
Prior to serving in the Bowser Administration, Mr. Blackman worked as an executive at a global commercial real estate services firm, advising corporate clients and non-profits resulting in over 1MM SF of projects delivered primarily in the Washington, DC area. When not working on the business or client assignments, Paul advises students completing the Real Estate Master’s from Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies. He also is a board member of African American Real Estate Professionals DC (AAREP DC). He earned a Master’s in Real Estate from Georgetown University and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Morgan State University.
As the son of a carpenter, Sean Pichon cultivated a curiosity for architecture early on. This curiosity, stemming from creating with lumber scraps, quickly transformed into a broad passion for the built environment. He developed an appreciation for the artistic and technical intricacies of architecture. Armed with a hearty fascination for building, Sean embarked on a mission to unearth his full potential.
Originally from Los Angeles, Sean now resides in the Capitol Hill. He is married to Jamila Pichon and together they share two sons, Ethan (18) and Langston (14). His journey to DC, place he now calls home, began when he elected to attend Howard University. Upon graduating Magna Cum Laude from Howard in 1995, he embarked on a professional career with Deveraux and Purnell, PC. A variety of award winning projects ensued, including the MCI Arena, Pepco’s Headquarters at Gallery Place, and the Washington Convention Center. Sean later shifted to SOM DC, engaging in in countless design opportunities (i.e. the Patent and Trademark Office) and earning licensure. At SOM, he coincidentally met the founding partners of PGN Architects, PLLC.
PGN Architects is a DC based Architectural firm co-founded in 2004 and currently owned with Jeffrey Goins. Located across the historic Eastern Market, PGN has since grown into a 20 person firm with an array of completed commercial projects such as Mathews Memorial Terrace, Shannon Place Office Building in Anacostia, the Maryland on H Street, Adamo in Adams Morgan, 7H on H Street, The Shaw at 608 T Street and Elysium 14 at 14th and U. In 2023, PGN joined forces with Michael Graves, the award winning international brand to continue shaping the landscape of DC and beyond. PGN is part of the development team that won the right to reimagine the Reeves Center at 14th and U Street NW.
Sean is a visionary architect who has enjoyed an over 30-year career designing mixed-use and residential projects, primarily in Washington, DC. His entrepreneurial spirit, design and communications skills, and experience with planning and zoning have catalyzed numerous highly successful projects that continue to invigorate the urban public realm and provide satisfying returns for all stakeholders.
Trisha Miller is the Chief Executive Officer of DC Green Bank, where she is in charge of leading the entire team and expanding the scope and scale of the institution’s climate and community impacts. She recently served as a Senior Director in the White House Domestic Climate Policy Office, where she led industrial and building decarbonization policy for the Biden-Harris Administration and supported national partnerships. She also co-chaired the Federal Buy Clean Task Force. Previously, Trisha was the Chief Innovation and Development Officer at Elevate, a national organization dedicated to ensuring that the benefits of clean energy reach those who need them most. Prior, she served as a Senior Director at Gates Ventures, the private office of Bill Gates, as well as at Breakthrough Energy.
Trisha is an expert in climate and energy solutions and served as a Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the Obama-Biden Administration, where she worked on the Climate Action Plan. At HUD, she oversaw the expansion of the Better Buildings Challenge to the multifamily sector and led a federal initiative to triple the amount of renewable energy reaching low-income communities. Prior to this role, Trisha also managed the National Green Communities Program at Enterprise Community Partners, where she helped in the development of 20,000 green affordable homes. Before joining Enterprise, Trisha launched and ran the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights’ Community Development Initiative, which provided legal services to thousands of individuals across the Gulf Coast.
She holds a J.D. from Stanford Law School, a Master of City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a B.A. from the University of Michigan. Trisha enjoys teaching and mentoring students, having previously held adjunct faculty positions at Georgetown University and George Washington University.
Ayesha M. Hudson is a property manager & real estate developer focused on providing sustainable, resident-centered living experiences. She is a native Washingtonian & graduate of Joel Elias Spingarn High School where she was initially exposed to public service. Ayesha began her 24-year career with the District’s Fire & Emergency Medical Services Department & later retired from the Prince George’s County Fire & Emergency Medical Services Department (PGFD) in May 2021. During her tenure with PGFD, Ayesha served as Director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Office where she established a Mediation Program as the Department’s first-line tool in alternative dispute resolution for its 1200+ membership body. Ayesha continues her work as an instructor, conflict management trainer, executive coach & remains connected to the mediation community.
As Founder & CEO of A-Peace, LLC, Ayesha has purposefully grown the company’s rental portfolio over the past 2 decades. A-Peace owns, develops & manages its own housing stock across 3 of the District’s quadrants & in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Ayesha’s intention is to create & preserve housing in under resourced communities while incorporating resident-centered programming that supports the whole person. She is investing in “sustainable” practices with a goal to add solar roof panels to 70% of the company’s portfolio by 2026. Through collaborations with DC Green Bank, DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) & the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE), A-Peace has developed & preserved housing in Ward 7 & 8 through the utilization of energy efficiency programs geared toward bringing renewable energy to modest income households. The company anticipates hosting a Community Renewable Energy Facility (CREF) as part of the Solar for All Program by summer 2024, as well as electric vehicle charging at approximately 10% of portfolio properties by 2025.
Ayesha earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from the University of Maryland, College Park’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, as well as certifications in EEO Investigations, mediation & LEED Green Associate. She actively serves on various boards & committees while volunteering at 2 public schools. Ayesha welcomes a good chess match, traveling by plane or her road bike & is gratefully married with kids.
Brian J. Hanlon is an accomplished administrator, leader, and registered architect with more than 35 years of private and public sector experience.
Through his private sector work, Director Hanlon actively practiced architecture, managed the development of many billions of dollars of K-12 and collegiate real estate, and served in several leadership roles focusing on construction management and building technologies. He is driven to deliver solutions in the built environment that are responsive to the needs of people, while ensuring they are implemented and used in the most environmentally responsible manner possible. Director Hanlon’s passion and purpose is to work to make our spaces and places integral with a spirit of stewardship. This drives his work – so that future generations may have a future in which they thrive.
Director Hanlon returns to the public sector, having previously worked in District government as the Executive Program Manager at the Department of Real Estate, followed by his appointment as the first permanent Director of the Department of General Services (DGS), where the agency modernized the preventative maintenance and portfolio management of the District’s 30 million sq. ft. of real estate under his leadership. He was also responsible for $2.3 billion in new construction, renovation, and other capital projects including schools, parks, recreation facilities, office buildings, laboratories, senior centers, police stations, fire stations, and residential shelter facilities during his tenure. At DGS, he and the agency garnered multiple awards for design, innovation, and sustainable practices.
Imran Syed is a Managing Director of Energy Services at Source Advisors and has more than 15 years of experience in sustainability and energy-efficient buildings. Imran leads the energy incentives program for commercial and residential properties and is a strong proponent of combining sustainable and innovative design with building economics.
Imran is a mechanical engineer by profession and worked on the design of K-12 schools and LEED projects in Chicago prior to his transition into energy and tax consulting. At Source Advisors, Imran has assisted building owners and design firms maximize their tax benefits through federal and state energy incentives. He has worked on various new construction and renovation projects including educational facilities, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, retail buildings, single family and multifamily projects.
He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.E), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), HERS Rater and an ENERGY STAR Partner. Imran holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan – Dearborn.
Matt Johnson is a Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist with the District of Columbia’s Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). As Chief of DOEE’s Green Infrastructure Incentives and Assessment Branch, Matt leads the development, implementation, and adaptive management of financial incentive programs catalyzing the installation of runoff-reducing GI in the District. These innovative programs include the:
Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Trading Program, a first-of-its-kind stormwater retention trading program,
SRC Price Lock Program, an innovative GI financing program to leverage private investment in GI in priority areas and maximize benefits to District waterbodies, and
RiverSmart Rewards Program, a stormwater impervious fee discount
Go For The Money: Build Green

- Feb 15 2024
- Expired!
- 9:30 am - 11:30 am